White and gold: glimmers in the distance from the chapiteau

White and gold colours, embellishing the surfaces facing the sky, capture the sun’s natural luminescence and reflect it into the distance with their glow. Gold always conveys majesty: it is an invitation to prepare for the sumptuous, the wondrous, the unprecedented. Every artistic detail, such as the scenic colors of the chapiteau in this case, is extremely significant when it comes to musical, circus, and entertainment shows that aim to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Today’s audience is increasingly demanding and in search of emotions and novelty. Why not please them?

The rectangular chapiteau 18 x 22 m

The frameworks, of any size, play a crucial role in providing a safe and functional environment for both artists and spectators. For the performers, it is a true gymnasium where they rehearse and build the show and it is therefore essential that they are equipped with everything is needed. The custom-made rectangular chapiteau, 18×22 m, was created for a French company that deals with entertainment companies and circuses. It can host theatre companies, traveling discos or exhibitions and can be closed along its whole perimeter.

The antenna

The two towering antennas, up to 10 meters high, draw the attention to the chapiteau from afar. They are supported by passing-rope winches and provide structural stability and support to various equipment.

Side poles

The space of the chapiteau is fenced by 36 side poles, each 3 meters high, which are essential for providing stability and balance to the whole structure. Their arrangement allows for the optimization of the internal space.

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